Monday, September 24, 2012

PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita
There are a lot of things I can say about this system even after a few days of using it. This is a long review, and it covers a lot on the vita. Ask my any questions about they system, and I'll do my best to answer, I have comment notifications so I will get your comments, if you have any!

I'll start off with the madden game.

This game is awesome, I love playing it, but I had to get used to it at first. After I got the hang of it, I was scoring touchdowns, and making awesome plays. One thing I would have loved to see was custom routes. It would have been sweet to be able to touch a player change his route, and drag on the screen where you want him to go. As some seasoned madden players know, they have Madden Moments mode where you can replay games from the past. BUT I don't like it in this game. If you want to play it and have it count you have to be signed in to the EA network. And if you get disconnected nothing you do counts. I had to replay a game 3 times because I got disconnected from the server. Overall I think its an awesome game, if it weren't the requirement to be online in some modes, this would be an even better game.

I did get MLB, but I'm not a baseball kind of guy, I love watching, but I'm not into the games. So I went to gamestop and sold it to get mortal Kombat. (Which is AMAZING if you like fighting games) *Note* if you decide to sell your MLB Game to gamestop you NEED to have a receipt if its still in the plastic. Apparently its a rule that they cant take games back if its still in plastic. I pulled up my online order from my phone. So either take it out the plastic, or show a receipt. They cut it out of the plastic to show it was used anyways.

Now on to they system itself:
The UI (User interface) Is cool, I like how they made everything big, and easy to see. I had a psp, and I liked that as well, I wish they would have kept the same scheme though, especially since you can use this with the ps3.

I don't know if this works EVERY time, but I was playing madden, and my vita ran out of battery life and turned off. I got up in the morning and hooked it up, and the game I was playing was still on. I don't know if it just went into a sleep mode, or has a save state mode but I thought that was awesome.

I love the screen! The size, the colors, the touch (lol). I just love everything about it, It's sleek and just looks really nice. I also like that it has the back touch panel, I found it hard to play some games though. Like with Fifa 13, the back touchpad was basically the goal and anywhere you touched that's where you would shoot. Well while you are playing and running down the field, you quickly have to remember to take your hands off the back touch pad or your guy will just shoot wherever your hands were. There is an option to turn it off which is nice.

Dual analog sticks are awesome, one thing I like about gaming is dual analog sticks, and one thing I hated about the psp was that it didn't. Also the fact that the stick on the psp was horrible. The Vita's sticks are comfortable, and they feel sturdy. I don't really like the triggers, I kinda wish they went down a little more, but for the most part they are okay. The buttons, and the D-pad are nice, I don't have any issues with them. The start and select buttons also cool, they are flush with the system, which some people might like, I with they came out a little though. While doing this review I was just pressing buttons and found out that if you press the vita home button, and the start button, you can take a screenshot! I always like systems, and phones that can take screenshots. If you hold down the home button and select it will bring up a menu that lets you control sound, brightness, and has a music controls as well. It also has 2 microphone options. I didn't know if the vita had a microphone, and if it does I don't know where it is. Maybe under one of the speaker holes? Anyways I'm pretty sure you can take video with this so, having a microphone is always a plus.
I haven't been able to go outside and use the camera, but inside isn't bad. I recommend using in light, because if you use it in the dark you get crappy photos. Both cameras are nice though, I like having dual cameras. There is also a dew different games that you can use with the camera right out of the box. You have to go download them, but you use the AR cards that are included with your system if you want to play those games.

I'm not a fan of the speakers, they aren't very loud, but maybe its dependent on the game, and what the developers did with the sound. I was playing Mortal Kombat, and it was really quiet, but I played madden, and it had nice sound. The system has a 3.5mm jack so you can always use headphones.

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